Senin, 12 November 2012

0 IPB PC 2012 – Programming Competition


Implementing Computer Science Student Association

General Explanation
Programming is a core or core of the IT world, for it is for those who cultivate the necessary understanding of the IT world of good programming. In order to provide a means of learning and to foster love of souls programming on youth, HIMALKOM (Computer Science Student Association) Department of Computer Science, Bogor Agricultural University Programming Competition 2012 events, this event is part of activities of the National Science Party 2012 organized by BEM Faculty Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Faculty) IPB.
Participants Programming Competition 2012 is the student / high school i was in Indonesia. This activity is a competition problem solving using programming languages. All participants will follow the preliminary round online, and who managed to escape the semi-finals will follow both onsite at the IPB campus.


Participants can register at through online forms provided.
Participants will follow the allowance to pay 50,000, 00 of a total of 150,000, 00 cost competition (details can be seen in the use of cost general guide). Proof of payment sent by (choose one):
Fax: 0251-862 16 38
Science Committee of the National Party in 2012
BEM Faculty IPB Secretariat
Building Student Center Faculty of Science
Jalan Meranti Dramaga Campus IPB, Bogor, West Java 16680
and received no later than October 6, 2012 by the committee.

Participants who have confirmed payment receipt will receive username and password via email that will be used for the opening practice session for 3 days using server graders IPB (notified next time).
The rest of the payment is Rp.100.000, 00 will be paid if the participant concerned qualify conducted onsite at the IPB campus. Payment no later than November 2, 2012.

General Guidelines

The race is individual.
Each school may send representatives of more than one person.
Participants are students / high school student (or equivalent).
Not allowed to take notes in any indoor competition.
Source code is sent maximum 100KB and can be compiled by the server is less than 30 seconds
Each program receives input response from the standard input (keyboard) and released the results via standard output (monitor)
Programs that are sent to receive some verdict (decision) of the grader, namely:
- Accepted: The program is submitted successfully pass all the given testcase
- Wrong Answer: The program still does not give the same output with the given testcase
- Pending: The program you send are graded, wait a while to see results
- Compile Error: you send failed program compiled by the server
- Runtime Error: Program successfully compiled, but error occurs when the program is run
- Time Limit: The program runs over a given time frame in question
- Memory Limit: The program requires more memory than the limit on the matter

8. Verdict of the grader and the scoreboard during the race only by some testcase testcase of all matter.
9. Re-grading the entire testcase will be made after a race is completed.
10. Assessment based on the correct number of testcase grader. Eg for a matter of 10 testcase, programs delivered right answer only 3 testcase, then the value obtained in question is 30.
11. Scoreboard at-freeze will last 15 minutes.
12. The programming language is allowed is C, C + +, Pascal.
13. During the race participants are prohibited from:
- Communicate with other participants
- Interfere other participants
- Eating or drinking in the room competition
- Disrupt the competition in any form
- Doing things that are potentially damaging computer equipment (slamming the mouse, keyboard hard hitting, etc.)
14. Participants who violate the above violations may be disqualified.
15. Decision of the judges is final and can not be contested.

Babak Allowance

Held online using graders in IPB server.
Held on Friday, October 26, 2012, at 13:30 to 16:30 pm.
Taken 60 best participants to advance to the semi-finals.
Number of questions: 5 questions.
Processing time: 3 hours.
Participants will receive a username and password to enter the race site via email.
There will be warm-up session (warming-up) for 3 days to try and adjust to the grader is used. Date and time notified later.
Participants can make clarifications about 1 hour only on the first
Announcement of participants who qualify for the semi-finals were announced up to 1 day after the preliminary round ends.

Semi-Final Round

Held onsite at the IPB campus network server using a grader at IPB
Held on Friday, November 9, 2012, from 8:00 to 11:00 hours.
Best taken 15 to advance to the final round.
Number of questions: 5 questions
Work time: 3 hours
Participants will receive a username and password to enter the system in the space race competition.
There will be warm-up session (warming-up) for 30 minutes to try and adjust to the grader is used.
Participants can make clarifications about 1 hour only on the first

Final Round

Held onsite at the IPB campus network server using a grader at IPB
Held on Friday, November 10, 2012, from 08:00 to 12:00 hours.
Retrieved 3 winners with the best scores.
Number of questions: 5 questions
Working Time: 4 hours
Participants will receive a username and password to enter the system in the space race competition.
There will be warm-up session (warming-up) for 30 minutes to try and adjust to the grader is used.
Participants may clarify questions only on the first 2 hours

Notes: Winner of I, II, and III will be announced through the National Science Party central committee 2012. All committee decisions Party National Science Programming Competition 2012 are final and can not be contested.


For more information on PC 2012 can contact

Alfat - 089638529818 (

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